


这里为大家介绍下decolour 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。




remove color from; "The sun bleached the red shirt"

同义词:bleach, bleach out, decolor, decolorize, decolourize, decolorise, decolourise, discolorize, discolourise, discolorise,


1.Spectrophotometric determination of bromate by decolouring methyl orange


2.Some new ways of extracting zein were introduced ; also the purity and decolouring of zein were discussed


3.The product has strong adsorption , decolouring and decontamination , it can absorb various of oil pigment , stink , mucilage gelatinoid , so it can be widely used in oil chemistry , medicine , grease , etc


4.The product has strong adsorption , decolouring and decontamination , it can absorb various of oil pigment , stink , mucilage gelatinoid , so it can be widely used in oil chemistry , medicine , grease , etc


5.The author analysis and summary in details the important physicochemical character of maifan stone , including mineralize , organism activity bi - directional adjusting character , decolour , and no poisonous character and so on


6.Sepiolite has low shrinking rate , plasticity is good , alkali - resisting and easy to dissolve , absorb the peculiar industry performance such as being strong of performance , in addition , also absorb , decolouring , hot stability is anticorrosive , resist radiation and insulate against heat , the characteristic such as being insulating , is used in the non - asbestos jointing sheet , various of brake shoes , paint , sound insulation of the building mainly , thermal insulator


7.Law of coloring of change orchid family name , can be bacterial cent two kinds big : use method of this kind of coloring , it is to use gentian to catch a bug first , all bacteria caught purple , besmear again next with iodic fluid , will strengthen the tie of dye and bacterium body , the alcohol of 95 comes to reoccupy decolour 20 30 seconds , some bacteria not by decolour , still withhold purple , some bacteria are become by decolour colorless , reoccupy answer is red finally answer catch 1 minute , the result already was caught by the bacterium of decolour cheng gong is lubricious , not the bacterium of decolour still keeps purple , no longer chromatic , such , every is caught purple bacterium calls bacterium of positive of change orchid family name ; ran chenggong calls bacterium of negative of change orchid family name lubriciously

革兰氏染色法,能够把细菌分为两大类:采用这种染色方法,是先用龙胆紫来染病菌,所有细菌都染成了紫色,然后再涂以碘液,来加强染料与菌体的结合,再用95的酒精来脱色20 30秒钟,有些细菌不被脱色,仍保留紫色,有些细菌被脱色变成无色,最后再用复红复染1分钟,结果已被脱色的细菌被染成红色,未脱色的细菌仍然保持紫色,不再着色,这样,凡被染成紫色的细菌称为革兰氏阳性菌;染成红色的称为革兰氏阴性菌。

8.Sepiolite has low shrinking rate , plasticity is good , alkali - resisting and easy to dissole , absorb the peculiar industry performance such as being strong of performance , in addition , also absorb , decolouring , hot stability is anticorrosie , resist radiation and insulate against heat , the characteristic such as being insulating , is used in the non - asbestos jointing sheet , arious of brake shoes , paint , sound insulation of the building mainly , thermal insulator



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