这里为大家介绍下dystopia 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
非理想化的地方,糟透的社会;地狱般的处境 (opp. utopia)。
a work of fiction describing an imaginary place where life is extremely bad because of deprivation or oppression or terror
state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror
A dystopia is a community or society, usually fictional, that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia.
1.The prospects of cultural globalization : utopia or dystopia
2.Occasionally , the escape from dystopia is made possible by time travel and changing history
3.This article is about the philosophical concept and literary form . for the half - life 2 mod , see dystopia ( computer game )
这篇文章是关于哲学的概念和文学类型。找战栗时空二的模组,请看反乌托邦(电脑游戏) 。
4.Her 9 years old daughter has bilateral blue irides , bilateral total deafness , dystopia canthorum and bilateral fundus pigmentary changes
5.Furthermore , the dystopia was brought about as a result of human action or inaction , whether stemming from human evil or merely stupidity
6.The overwhelming majority of dystopias have some connection to our world , but often in an imagined future or an alternate history
7.Her 11 years old daughter has a blue iris in her right eye , bilateral total deafness , dystopia canthorum and bilateral fundus pigmentary changes
8.Moreover , it is a challenge that is largely ignored by regulators and the public , who seem unduly obsessed by gruesome fantasies of genetic dystopias
9.Marge piercy " s woman on the edge of time , though chiefly concerned with the protagonist " s time - travel to a future utopia , also has her travel to a dystopia , and in the current time , stymies the efforts that will lead to that future
10.However , the time travel necessarily moves portions of the story , and usually quite large portions , out of the time of the dystopia , making it less an overwhelming presence in the novel