


这里为大家介绍下decomposer 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。




1.The role of an organism in nutrient and energy flow within an ecosystem ( e . g . , herbivore , carnivore , decomposer )

有机体之营养和能源摄取模式(如肉食、草食、分解者等) 。

2.Guo jixun . 1994 . decomposer subsystem of aneuroleoidium chinense grassland . jilin university publishing house , changchun

郭继勋.羊草草原分解者亚系统. 1994 .吉林大学出版社,长春

3.This paper was focused on typical aneurolepidium chinense community and puccinellia tenuiflora community in songnen grassland and the research work about energy flow of decomposer subsystem of aneurolepidium chinense grassland was completed through field and laboratory experiments during the period from 2000 to 2001

本论文以东北羊草草地典型羊草群落和碱茅群落为研究对象,通过2000 - 2001两年的野外测定和室内分析,完成了羊草草地分解者亚系统能量流动的研究工作。

4.In order to satisfy the veracity and the robustness against time - variable noise of the aoct , a new square root kalman adaptive filter arithmetic with time - variable noise statistic is presented in this paper . in addition , the wavelet analysis is applied to inspect the singularity of the measured current , and an adaptive signal - noise decomposer for aoct is designed


5.The paper describes isn as a nonlinear dynamic complexity system , and with self - organization characteristics . next , the paper constructs the structural model of ecological industrial chain by imitating the producer , consumer and decomposer in natural ecological system , and analyses the resources flow from the viewpoint of value chain . based on the theory of byproduct exchange , the paper put forwards four kinds of operation model of isn , and analyze them hi detail by using of the case study


6.This article analyzed relevant theories to get better understanding of circular economy : ( 1 ) by adding " decomposer " to economic system , circular economy has built a circle of resource - products - recycled resource , by which the harmonization between economic and ecological systems is achieved . ( 2 ) three principles must be observed in circular economy , and they are reduce , reuse , recycle in turn . according to the order of the principles , the practice of circular economy must conduct cleaner production in enterprises , form ecological community of industry , and build " vein " industry

( 1 )循环经济的实质是通过模仿生态系统的构造,增加经济系统中的分解者角色,削减进入经济系统的资源能源的同时,打造经济系统中资源一产品一再生资源的物质循环流动的闭合回路,从系统内部挖掘资源,通过对不可再利用的废弃物进行无害化处理,使得物质顺畅的重新流入生态系统之中,从而将经济系统中的物质循环与生态系统中的物质循环统一起来,促进经济系统和生态系统之间的共生协调。


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