basal area
这里为大家介绍下basal area 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
basal:adj. 1.基部的。 2.基础的,基本的。 短语和例子 ...area:n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英国〕地下室前 ...Basal area is the term used in forest management that defines the area of a given section of land that is occupied by the cross-section of tree trunks and stems at their base.
1.Numerous small rounded dark brown or black necrotic patches in green leaves ; patches often in groups or rows close to midrib or major lateral veins , towards centre or basal areas of leaflects ; petioles green and healthy
2.Form . taxus chinensis var . mairei is protecting plant in the first class , which is a precious and endangering plant in china in this paper , the quantitative characterics of form . taxus chinensis vsr . mairei population including age structure , spatial distribution pattern , growth dynamics of tree basal area , niche characterics , fractal dimension and competition between specises were studied using methods of mathematics ecology from the angle of population ecology of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei , then the prent state and the endangering causes were analysed . this research offers gist to protecting and enlarging the crude resourse of form . taxus chinensis vsr . mairei population , afforesting plantation and sustainable utilize for us
本文从南方红豆杉种群生态学的角度、主要应用数学生态学的方法探讨南方红豆杉种群的数量特征,包括南方红豆杉种群年龄结构、种群空间格局(探讨分布格局动态规律与生境相互关系) 、不同立地条件下种群优势度增长趋势、生态位宽度、生态位相似比例、生态位重叠、空间占据能力及种间竞争等,分析其目前现状及濒危原因,期望为南方红豆杉野生资源的保护和扩大、营造人工林及可持续利用提供理论基础,也为濒危植物种群生态学的研究提供参考。
3.The growth dynamics of tree basal area of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei population in different altitude were discussed using the liu - logistic model , and the results showed that the altutide of 790 meters is more suitable to the survive of form . toms chinensis var . mairei population than 990 meters . plot sampling was selected and dynamic analysis was used to study the height structure of taxus chinensis var . mairei population , and the quadrate picture of height structure and the curve of survival rate were drew
4.Taxus chinensis vsr . mairei population is very oblivious from seeding stage to mature tree stage . the patterns were consistant with the ecological and biological characteristics of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei which were valuable and rare and in severe danger . in this paper , logistic model and liu - logistic model were proposed to approach the growth dynamics of tree basal area of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei population
南方红豆杉幼苗表现为较强的聚集分布,除与种子的散布有关外,生境条件的差异是重要原因之? ,其它发育阶段表现为明显的随机分布,表明它在自然群落中分布的概率很小,反映了南方红豆杉珍稀濒危的生态生物学特性和特征。
5.Yellow - green or yellow chlorosis or brown necrosis in basal areas of older and expanding leaves ; margins curled downwards and leaf expansion irregular and suppressed ; chlorosis and necrosis spreading into interveinal areas of older leaves ; youngest leaves distorted , necrotic and failing to expand ; petioles truncated ; death of stem growing point
6.The method of modified simplex was applied to optimize the models , and the fitting results show that liu - logistic model was more suitable than logistic model to the actual growth trend of form . taxus chinensis var . mairei population , and the highest growth rate of basal area was the tenth age class , namely the phase when breast diameter was 68 ~ 76 cm
以胸高断面积代替种群生物量,分别采用logistic常规模型及刘金福提出的logistic改进模型对南方红豆杉种群的增长动态进行研究,运用改进单纯形法对模型进行优化,拟合结果表明改进模型比logistic常规模型更符合南方红豆杉种群的增长趋势,南方红豆杉种群的最大增长速度出现在第10龄级,即胸径为68 76cm时期。