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1.Fiorentina and lazio are keeping tabs on red star belgrade midfielder dusan basta


2.Ppt ( phosphinothricin ) is the active composition of broad - spectrum , non - selective hercicide basta

广谱、非选择性除草剂basta的活性成分是草丁膦( phosphinothricin ) 。

3.Because the phenotype of osdd2 mutant was segregated with the basta resistance , it suggested that the mutation was arose by disruption of the wrky gene


4.These confirmed the successful transformation of the a78 - 3 and a78 - 4 on selection medium containing basta . microarray on membranes were fabricated from a set of 384 pinus taeda genes ( cdnas ) related to lignin synthesis , adaptation or primary metabolism for examination of gene expression in the sublines . the results showed : ( 1 ) the correlation coefficients between the transgenic sublines a78 - 3 and a78 - 4 and the untransformed control a95 : 88 : 22 were 0 . 8028 - 0 . 9028 , while those of a78 - 5 are 0 . 8897 - 0 . 9302

选择384个与木质素生物合成及植物生理代谢和环境适应性有关的基因或cdna片段构建尼龙芯片膜,并对转基因细胞亚系a78 - 3 、 a78 - 4和a78 - 5和对照亚系a95 : 88 : 22等培养再生植株进行基因表达的微阵列检测,结果表明: ( 1 )三个亚系与对照之间的pearson相关系数分别为0 . 8607 、 0 . 7975和0 . 9630 。

5.( 2 ) gene flow frequency was reduced as distance from pollen donor increased and a dramatic reduction occurred at about 2 meters . the maximum distance where gene flow was not detected was 50 m for hybrid rice while it was 70 m for ms lines , with an exception that in one of the four ms lines it was detected a frequency of gene flow 2 . 8 + 10 - 6 at 150 m for zhong 9a

在开花期主流风向ne的风速为0 . 2 ? 2 . 2m / sec的条件下, 2个杂交稻品种的最大漂流距离为40m ; 4个不育系的基因漂流基本上到60m为止, 70m处基因漂流频率均降为0 ,仅中9a在150m处发现了1株basta抗性苗,经pcr检测验证为阳性。

6.The experiment was conducted in a 2 . 4 ha isolated field mimic rice production practice with pollen competition . a japonica gm rice l201 containing bar gene with herbicide basta resistance was used as a pollen donor and six indica hybrid rice varieties and its male sterile ( ms ) lines and two common wild rice ( oryza rufipogon and o . nivara ) that share same aa genome with cultivated rice were used as recipients

本试验选择广州作为华南水稻生态区的代表,以含bar基因(抗除草剂basta )的转基因粳稻l201为花粉供体,模拟大田生产实际,对转基因向籼型两系及三系杂交稻不育系、杂交稻品种及含aa基因组的普通野生稻的基因漂流及其影响因素进行了研究。

7.A genetic transformation model for the brown seaweed undaria pinnatifida has been primarily set up by using micro - particle bombardment as the method , female or male gametophytes as the gene recipients , hybridization as the regeneration route and chloramphenicol , hygromycin or basta as selective reagents


8.Obtaining transgenic male sterile tobacco in order to prove that hsp70 antisense cdna can lead to male sterility , with plasmid 3301 + 650 , 3301 + 651 we transformed 207 aspetic tobacco leaves by genegun bombarding and agrobacterium mediation ( 109 by genegun bombarding , 98 by agrobacterium ) . by cultivating them in blotting media containing basta 0 . 4 mg / 1 , we get 181 resistant leaves ( 98 by genegun bombarding , 88 by agrobacterium mediating )

获得转基因雄性不育烟草为了证实hsp70反义cdna能创造雄性不育,我们将3301 + 650和3301 + 651质粒用基因枪和农杆菌介导法转化烟草无菌发芽的叶片,共207片(基因枪109片,农杆菌98片) 。在含basta0 . 4mg l的筛选培养基上进行筛选,得到抗性叶片181片(基因枪93片,农杆菌88片) 。

9.By using primers designated for lacz gene , pcr result suggested an integration of lacz into u . pinnatifida genome . nine reagents including penicillin g , kanamycin , g418 , teicoplanin , zeocin , chloramphinicol , hygromycin , basta and methotrexate were tested as selective reagents for selection of transgenic sporophytes . the results showed that young sporophytes of u . pinnatifida were sensitive to chloramphinicol and hygromycin and very sensitive to basta which suggest the potential of using the resistance genes as selectable markers

,为了解决转基因裙带菜的筛选问题,进行了裙带菜幼孢子体对不同筛选压力的敏感性实验,包括抗生素类的青霉素g 、卡那霉素、 g418 、硫酸链霉素、盐酸洁霉素、 zeocin 、氯霉素、潮霉素,除草剂类的basta ,氨甲喋呤类的氨甲喋呤,结果显示裙带菜幼孢子体对氯霉素、潮霉素敏感,对basta非常敏感。

10.The house was pretty full . besides sir malcolm and his two daughters , there were seven more people , a scotch couple , again with two daughters ; a young italian contessa , a widow ; a young georgian prince , and a youngish english clergyman who had had pneumonia and was being chaplain to sir alexander for his health s sake . the prince was penniless , good - looking , would make an excellent chauffeur , with the necessary impudence , and basta



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