
basket ball


这里为大家介绍下basket ball 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。



basket:n. 1.篮,笼,篓,筐。 2.一篮[笼,篓,筐]。 3 ...ball:n. 跳舞会;〔俚语〕狂欢会。 give a ball ...


1.In the basket ball match , their team closed the rear


2.He is the headman of school basket ball team


3.Personally , i enjoy playing basket ball , listening to music , and keeping up - to - date with the news . i am also a mature and focused person


4.Icoke points could also be used to experience on - line games such as street basket ball , or redeem other digital gifts through icoke site

此外,他们还能够用icoke积分享受其他数码娱乐项目,集音乐体育娱乐游戏聊天等目前年轻人热衷的潮流和文化,并有机会在可口可乐www . icoke . cn网站上换取丰富的数码奖品。

5.As you might know exercise releases pleasure hormones and we feel good even on minimal amounts of any types of physical activity , from yoga and deep breathing to running and basket ball , and any vigorous exercise can leave you feeling happy and exhilarated after even a short time


6.The factory specializes in producing stationerise & sproting goods , the latter being the key ones . 4 - category of sporting goods with " orlin " mark are well - received throughout the country and haave gained a foothold on the world markets , among which " orlin " tables separately with the types of pop , medium , hith , " orlin " serial bats , " shield " ball - pumps and " orlin " pvc products such as basket balls , volleyballs , footballs are enjoying international prestige , far sold to the parts of the world , becoming unparelled ones in exporting commodities

本公司以生产体育用品、旅游休闲用品、玩具用品为主,奥林牌八大系列产品畅销世界各地区,并已立足国际市场,尤其以奥林牌中档、高档乒乓球台系列产品、奥林牌各种型号撞球台系列、奥林牌各种旅游帐蓬系列、奥林牌乒乓球拍系列、奥林牌pvc 、篮球、排球、足球系列产品,奥林牌、盾牌皮球塑料打气筒系列,奥林牌休闲旅游用品系列,而著称于世,远销世界各地区,成为国内独一无二的出口产品,深受外商宾客的欢迎。


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