这里为大家介绍下hemochromatosis 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
pathology in which iron accumulates in the tissues; characterized by bronzed skin and enlarged liver and diabetes mellitus and abnormalities of the pancreas and the joints
同义词:iron-storage disease, iron overload, bronzed diabetes,
1.It has a higher incidence in postnecrotic cirrhosis and hemochromatosis than in laennec"s cirrhosis .
2.The term " hemochromatosis " is used when organ dysfunction occurs
3.Hhc results from a mutation involving the hemochromatosis gene ( hfe ) that leads to increased iron absorption from the gut
该病是由于血色素沉着症基因( hfe )突变使得肠吸收铁增加所致。
4.Metabolic diseases such as wilson " s disease , hemochromatosis , and alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency can lead to liver damage
代谢性疾病,如威尔逊氏病,血色沉着, - 1型胰岛素缺乏症均可导致肝损伤。
5.Metabolic diseases such as wilson " s disease , hemochromatosis , and alpha 1 - antitrypsin deficiency can lead to liver damage
代谢性疾病,如威尔逊氏病,血色沉着, - 1型胰岛素缺乏症均可导致肝损伤。
6.The prussian blue iron stain reveals extensive hepatic hemosiderin deposition microscopically in this case of hereditary hemochromatosis ( hh )
普鲁士蓝铁染色显示,遗传性血色素沉着症( hh )患者在镜下可见广泛的肝脏含铁血黄素沉着。
7.Hemochromatosis leads to bronze pigmentation of skin , diabetes mellitus ( from pancreatic involvement ) , and cardiac arrhythmias ( from myocardial involvement )
血色素沉着症导致皮肤的青铜色色素沉着、糖尿病(累及胰腺) 、心率失常(累及心肌) 。
8.Hemochromatosis - a genetic disorder involving increased absorption of iron by the gastrointestinal tract and deposition in the liver resulting ultimately in cirrhosis and liver failure
血色沉着病? ?一种遗传性病症引起胃肠道吸收铁增多,沉积在肝脏,导致最终肝硬化或肝衰竭。
9.Hemochromatosis can be primary ( the cause is probably an autosomal recessive genetic disease ) or secondary ( excess iron intake or absorption , liver disease , or numerous transfusions )
血色素沉着症或可以是原发的(病因大概为常染色体隐性遗传病) ,也可以是继发的(过多的铁摄取或吸收、肝脏疾病、大量输血) 。
10.But more and more studies showed that iron - overload was involved in many diseases ( such as atherosclerosis , ischemia / reperfusion injure , hereditary hemochromatosis , and so on )