positive electricity
这里为大家介绍下positive electricity 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
positive:adj. 1.确实的,明确的;确定的;无条件的 (opp ...electricity:n. 1.电,电学。 2.电流,静电,电荷。 3.热心, ...
1.1 . prevent electromagnetic radiation , protect eyes , refresh yourself . negative ion form the wall between computer monitor and computer operator , it neutralizes the positive electricity , reduce radiation caused by static to brain and eyes . iii
1 .防电磁辐射护眼提神:负离子能在电脑主机及显示器与人之间形成一道负离子墙,它与显示器释放的“ ”电荷缓润中和,降低静电对大脑和眼睛的辐射。
2.The xrd results confirmed that the nanocomposite oxide has two kinds of material with sno2 and a - fe2o3 ; the uv spectra has more variety with the proportion changing of the two kinds oxide ; the fisps indicated that photoelectric property increased with the adding positive electricity field , and the biggest strength could reach 50 ~ 60 times . with an increment for negative electricity field , the photoelectric property reduced largely
Xrd结果证实了所制备的纳米粒子为两种材料的复合氧化物;紫外可见吸收随两种氧化物复合比例的改变有较大的变化; fisps表明复合材料的光伏响应强度随所加正电场的增加而增加,最大强度可增加50 ~ 60倍,随所加负电场的增加而大大减弱。