这里为大家介绍下heterozygote 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
(genetics) an organism having two different alleles of a particular gene and so giving rise to varying offspring
1.The heterozygote y/y may be distinguished by the nectary color .
2.The heterozygote y / y may be distinguished by the nectary color
用蜜腺颜色就可以确定为异质结合的( y y ) 。
3.An allele that , in a heterozygote , prevents the expression of another ( recessive ) allele at the same locus
4.It revealed that these two transformants were heterozygote , and the foreign gene inserted just to on locus in the plant genome . as the observed ratio of progeny of two transformants which on selfing was 3 : 1 , it was proved to be heterozygote for two transformants
其中2棵抗性株自交后代的遗传分析表明,真空渗入法所得的转化株为杂合体,且其分离比符合3 : 1的单基因分离规律。
5.The characteristics of tm - 22 expression presented in transgenic tobacco : 1 ) . virus specificity in either homozygote or heterozygote ; 2 ) tm - 22 gene integrated in tobacco genomic dna with single copy and in inheritance and segregation to progenies on the mendel role ; 3 ) . transgenic line with tm - 22 promoter ( ptm47 ) showed infected symptoms with cell death distinguished to one with 35s promoter ( ptm49 ) after inoculation with tomv - 2a
其次,通过氨基酸序列和结构的比较,确定tm - 2 ~ 2基因的编码蛋白与tomv病毒在抗病反应中相互识别的特异氨基酸及其功能;然后,应用重组dna技术,互换tm - 2 ~ 2基因和tm - 2基因的对应结构域,构建嵌合基因,获得嵌合蛋白表达的转化体,验证tm - 2 ~ 2编码蛋白中变异氨基酸的作用。