hybrid vigor
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hybrid:n. 1.【生物学】杂种,杂交种;混血儿。 2.(由两种 ...vigor:n. 〔美国〕 = vigour. (genetics) the tendency of a crossbred organism to have qualities superior to those of either parent
1.Mass produce those combinations between selfed lines that exhibit a great deal of hybrid vigor .
2.For crop plants , hybrids vigor is particularly important for characteristics such as growth rate , yield , and disease resistance
3.Usually the more unlike the parents are the more hybrid vigor is released , but the effect diminishes in subsequent generations as more recessive homozygotes reappear
4.Directed on the present situation and existing problems in boosting beef cattle industry based on the yellow cattle improvement in china , the review indicated that several relationships , such as integration of individual households and large scale cattle farms , integration of yellow cattle improvement , crossbreeding , breed conservation and utilization , integration of high grain diet intensified fattening and low grain diet economic fattening , should be handled properly ; and the requirements of profitable cattle industry for increasing reproductive survive rate , using hybrid vigor and improving the weight gain , the main factors affecting economic return of large scale cattle farms and the technology level improvement in cattle industry were duiscussed as well
5.The results show that the genetic diversity of filial generations is higher than self - bred progeny ’ s , the hybrid vigor has manifested at metabolization level 。 the proportion of polymorphic loci ( p . 99 ) in f1 generations was 30 . 77 - 36 . 36 % , the mean observed heterozygosity ( ho ) of jmcf ( japanese male chinese female ) was the highest with 0 . 1727 , the rest populations were : jfcm ( japanese female chinese male ) 0 . 1536 、 cp 0 . 1273 and jp 0 . 1055 , the mean effective number of allels per locus in f1 generations : cp ’ s was the highest with 1 . 7318 , jp ’ s was the lowest with 1 . 6718 , the filial generations ’ values were in the midle of the cp ’ s and jp ’ s and between them there was no brightly difference , with 1 . 6955 ( jfp ) and 1 . 6927 ( jmp )
各组的平均杂合度预期值也表现出该趋势,即:日自交组最低,为0 . 1786 ,日雄中雌杂交组的平均杂合度最高,为0 . 1964 ,日雌中雄杂交组和中自交组分别是0 . 1891和0 . 1865 。 hardy - weinberg平衡下遗传偏离指数也是杂交组的小于自交组的,平均每个位点的等位基因有效数目中自交组最高为1 . 7318 ,日自交组最低为1 . 6718 ,两杂交组群体的这一指数相差不多,分别是1 . 6955和1 . 6927 ,位于两亲本的中间水平。