这里为大家介绍下pannikin 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
a small pan or cup (usually of tin)
1.There s the key ; you fill a pannikin and bring it up
这是钥匙你倒一小杯,端上来。 ”
2.Second line is to point to smaller than a gleam of meaning , compare grail namely small stock is not pannikin , even outstanding achievement supports , for second line blue prepare
3.Hence there were still faithful men on board when dick returned , one after another of the trio took the pannikin and drank - one to luck ; another with a here s to old flint ; and silver himself saying , in a kind of song here s to ourselves , and hold your luff , plenty of prizes and plenty of duff
当狄克回来之后,三个人一个接一个地端起杯子喝上了一个说“祝好运”另一个说“这一口为老弗林特” ,而西尔弗他本人则用唱歌似的腔调说, “这一口为我们自己,占住上风,广进财源,大吃肉馒头。 ”
4.They bristled with unknown perils , and he gazed at them , fascinated , till their dazzle became a background across which moved a succession of forecastle pictures , wherein he and his mates sat eating salt beef with sheath - knives and fingers , or scooping thick pea - soup out of pannikins by means of battered iron spoons
5.Look into next year , above all need reviewing was mixed last year even this year the year before last year , can say , grail drops through abidance of a few years , the pannikin that acclaims be in fashion for a period before a few years , science and technology , recombine etc is simple congenial idea almost what had changed to these 2 years is very malapropos , but big change often is need time is mixed accumulate , quantitative change will be changed finally into qualitative change , people from to these stocks from love to arrive to coma detesting also is to need time to change likewise
6.This fund will be adopted " core - satellitic investment is politic " , " core " be in showing in its investment is combined not the grail of invest in of stock capital fund under 80 is blue prepare , take the kind that buys hold ; " satellite " the part adopts a variety of strategy , invest in is new , in pannikin , asset recombines board piece , derive a tool to wait
该基金将采取“核心卫星投资策略” , “核心”是指在其投资组合中不低于80的股票资产投资于大盘蓝筹股,并采取买入持有的方式; “卫星”部分则采取多种策略,投资于新股、中小盘股、资产重组板块、衍生工具等。