这里为大家介绍下okapi 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
similar to the giraffe but smaller with much shorter neck and stripe on the legs
同义词:Okapia johnstoni,
Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is of near threatened.
1.A close relative of the giraffe , the okapi has a shorter neck
2.Deep in the rainforests of central africa lives the shy okapi
3.But , like the giraffe , the okapi uses its long tongue to grab and eat leaves
霍加皮运用他的长舌来抓取食物(树叶) 。
4.For example , the okapi appears to be a combination of three animals
5.Experiments are performed and results show : 1 the popular retrieval models the okapi s bm25 model and the smart s vector space model with length normalization do not perform well for document similarity search ; 2 the proposed model based on texttiling is effective and outperforms other models , including the cosine measure ; 3 the methods for the three components in the proposed model are validated to be appropriately employed
我们通过实验验证了以下三点: 1 trec中的常用信息检索模型不能很好地解决文档相似搜索2我们提出的基于texttiling技术的模型是有效的,性能优于其他模型3我们提出的模型中所采用的方法是有效的,包括利用texttiling技术进行文本子主题分割,利用余弦公式来计算文本块之间的相似度,以及利用最优匹配方法来求解文档之间的总体相似度。
6.Document similarity search is to find documents similar to a given query document and return a ranked list of similar documents to users , which is widely used in many text and web systems , such as digital library , search engine , etc . traditional retrieval models , including the okapi s bm25 model and the smart s vector space model with length normalization , could handle this problem to some extent by taking the query document as a long query
文档相似搜索指从文档集中检索与给定查询文档相似的文档。对于给定的查询文档,我们期望文档相似搜索系统能够返回一个按相似度排序的相似文档列表。文档相似搜索技术已经被广泛应用到电子图书馆,搜索引擎等系统中,例如citeseer . ist科学文献数字图书馆的相似文献推荐功能, google的相似网页查询功能等。
7.The most famous examples include the gorilla in 1847 ( and the mountain gorilla in 1902 ) , the giant panda in 1869 , the okapi ( a short - necked relative of the giraffe ) in 1901 , the komodo dragon in 1912 , the bonobo ( or pygmy chimpanzee ) in 1929 , the megamouth shark in 1976 and the giant gecko in 1984
最著名的例子包括1847年的大猩猩(与1902年的山地大猩猩) 、 1869年的大猫熊、 1901年的欧卡皮鹿(长颈鹿的一种短颈亲戚) 、 1912年的科莫多巨蜥、 1929年的巴诺布猿、 1976年的巨嘴鲨,以及1984年的巨型壁虎。