这里为大家介绍下neritic 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
of or relating to the region of the sea over the continental shelf which is less than 200 meters deep; "neritic fauna"; "neritic oil"
relating to the region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast; "neritic fauna"
1.Neritic regions are shallow .
2.Zhuanghai district is located in the south of neritic area in bohai gulf
3.Using an olympic project as the paper analyzes various waveform features in the seismic imaging profiles , which are relevant to different backfills and geologic bodies in complex neritic backfilled areas , a prospecting example
4.2 microzooplankton of jiaozhou bay were composed chiefly of neritic warm - temperate and estuarine low - salinity species . eurythermic and euryhaline species were sparse . cold - water , oceanic hypersaline and tropical warm - water species were not found during the study period
2 、胶州湾小型浮游动物以暖温带近岸、河口低盐种为主,广温广盐种较少,尚未发现冷水种、外海高盐种和热带暖水种。
5.These geomorphic units of paleogeography constitute the basic model of paleocontinent , littoral - neritic sea and carbonate plateform at that stage , and this depositional model is similar to the pattern of the east china continent and ocean , which is the result of evolution during the past long geologic age
6.Results as following : in the east china sea and the yellow sea , zooplankton showed higher diversity in the low latitude and warm species occurred mainly in the south of 31 n , five communities were distinguished by twinspan method , based on data of species composition and environmental factors . they are : i ) yellow sea neritic community ( f ) with indicator species of labidocera euchaeta in autumn and centropages mcmurrichi in spring ; ii ) yellow sea central community ( hc ) with indicator species of themisto gracilipes , calanus sinicus and euphausia pacifica , the latter two species occurred only in autumn ; iii ) east china sea continental shelf mixed water community ( k ) with indicator species such as rhincalanus cornutus and pterosagitta draco which were confined in waters with high temperature and salinity , iv ) yellow sea and east china sea mixed water community ( he ) and v ) east china sea inshore mixed water community ( m )
根据twinspan等多元分析结果,比较各组群的浮游动物种类组成和环境特征,可将东、黄海浮游动物群落分为5个,黄海沿岸群落( f ) ,指示种秋季为真刺唇角水蚤,春季为墨氏胸刺水蚤;黄海中部群落( hc ) ,指示种以细长脚虫戎为主,秋季还有中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾;东海外陆架高温高盐群落( k ) ,指示种为角锚哲水蚤、飞龙翼箭虫等多种狭布型暖水种类;黄东海交汇区群落( he )和东海近岸混合群落( m ) ,两群落包含多种生态类型种类,其中温带近岸低盐种在he中较多,广布性暖水种在m群落中较多。
7.Based on available data , the study on regional structure , sedimentary reservoir and source rock characteristics shows that the basins in south china sea had experienced sedimentary evolution in faulting period and depression period , deposited thick cenozoic formation , upwardly developed alluvial fan facies , river - lake facies coastal swamp facies coastal facies , neritic facies and bathyal deposit system , regionally had 3 source rocks of eocene , oligocene and miocene , 3 reservoirs of pre - cenozoic basement buried bill , oligocene sandstone and miocene reef , with pliocene and pleistocene neritic facies and bathyal shale as regional caprock