holy orders
这里为大家介绍下holy orders 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
holy:adj. 1.神圣的;神的;供神用的;献身于神的。 2. ...order:n. 1.次序,顺序;整齐;(社会)秩序,治安;状况,常 ...
1.One obstacle to the enlistment of able professors was that they had to take holy orders .
2.The knights of the holy order know all about you
3.To take holy orders and work in a leper colony
4.Dr . jekyll , you " re wanted by the knights of the holy order
5.Dr . jekyll , you " re wanted by the knights of the holy order . .
6.By virtue of the sacrament of holy orders , the relationship between the priests and the bishop , and relationship among the priests themselves , are like the relationships among members of a family
7.Very good , said smolyaninov , and went on at once . have you any idea of the means by which our holy order will assist you in attaining your aim ? said the rhetor calmly and rapidly
“很好, ”斯莫利亚尼诺夫说,他立刻继续说下去, “您对我们神圣的共济会赖以帮助您达到您的目的的手段,有没有概念? ”
8.Apart from the fact that he several times asked me whether n . or s . were not members of our lodge a question i could not answer , he is incapable , so far as my observation goes , of feeling a reverence for our holy order , and is too much occupied , and too well satisfied with the outer man , to care much for the improvement of the spiritual man . i had no grounds for doubting of him , but he seemed to me insincere ; and all the time i stood face to face with him in the dark temple i kept fancying he was smiling contemptuously at my words , and i should have liked really to stab his bare chest with the sword i held pointed at it