这里为大家介绍下helios 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
Helios (; Hēlios, Latinized as Helius) was the personification of the Sun in Greek mythology. Homer often calls him Titan or Hyperion, while Hesiod (Theogony 371) and the Homeric Hymn separate him as a son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia (Hesiod) or Euryphaessa (Homeric Hymn) and brother of the goddesses Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn.
1.The helios aircraft is an american space agency support project
2.On september 6th , bp helios award celebration ( asia pacific ) was held in ho chi minh city , vietnam
9月6日, bp太阳神奖颁奖(亚太地区)仪式在越南的胡志明市举行。
3.The finalists of bp " s global helios awards will be announced at the end of september , with the overall winners being announced at a ceremony in london in november
4.The team also identified two other redwoods in the same forest taller than the reigning record holder : a tree called helios at 376 . 3 feet and another called icarus at 371 . 2 feet
科学家们在加利福尼亚北部的海滨丛林中发现了世界最高的生物-高达378 . 1英尺的红杉。
5.The team also identified two other redwoods in the same forest taller than the reigning record holder : a tree called helios at 376 . 3 feet and another called icarus at 371 . 2 feet
这个小组还在同一片森林里发现另两棵红杉的高度都超过了当时的世界纪录保持者。一棵叫太阳神,树高376 . 3英尺,另一棵叫伊卡洛斯,树高371 . 2英尺。
6.The following are the large projects undertaking by haifeng company : crude oil electricity plant project of north china oil field hydroelectricity factory , apartment ( 22 stories ) of yuanda real estate company of dalian shipping group , helios hotel of helios group in dalian development zone , tilt aqueduct bridge of shanxi hongqi reservoir ( total span : 267m ) , supply and sale building and city construction building ( both are antique architectures ) of shanxi heyang city , sea drainage pipe of hainan fudao fertilizer factory ( 1520 ) , 8 oilgas docks of hainan haiyan oilgas company , basha condensable gas transfer station of haiyan company , 10 , 000m3 oilgas storage tank of arco company ( usa ) in hainan nanshan , gas pipe and fuel gas installation project of hainan nanshan electricity co . , ltd , base and accessory project of hainan gas company , bei da huang cereal and oil market in harerbin , hainan cross island pipe , changhuajiang river pipe crossing project , taihangshan mountain earthwork project ( the 19th section of west - to - east gas transmission project )
海南海峰公司承建大的工程项目:华北油田水电厂原油发电站工程;大连船泊集团远达地产公司的远达公寓( 22层) ;大连开发区香港太阳神集团的太阳神大酒店;陕西红旗水库斜拉渡槽工程(全跨267m ) ;陕西合阳供销大楼及城建大楼(均为仿古) ;海南富岛化肥厂排海管线( 1520 ) ;海南海燕油气公司八所油气码头;海燕公司白沙液化气中转站;海南南山美国阿科公司储油气万立米大罐工程;海南南山电力股份有限公司天然气管线及燃气安装工程;海南南海天然气有限公司基地及配套工程;哈尔滨北大荒粮油批发市场;海南环岛管线;昌化江穿越工程;西气东输十九标段,太行山土石方工程。