


这里为大家介绍下nodulation 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。



生节(块);有节 。


1.Study on nodulation and nitrogen fixation of azospirillum brasilense induced by 2 , 4 - d in the roots of maize


2.Growth and nodulation competitiveness of poly - 3 - hydroxybutyrate metabolism mutants of sinorhizobium meliloti and the effects of exogenous biotin


3.Field germination , nodulation status and growth parameters were varied significantly in the soil amended with sludges in comparison to control


4.We conclude that the gene we studied is a new loci required for efficient nitrogen fixation and for competitive nodulation of soybeans by bradyrhizobium japonicum strain gx201


5.Eleven wood legume plants were selected and their morphologic and anatomical characteristics were compared in order to analysis the relationship between the root structure and their nodulation


6.Some blastspores even can expanded , germinated as time went on . the cockroach restrained the blastospores by phagocytosing and nodulation , and many of them melanized 5d postinfection


7.A study was carried out to determine the influence of different types of sludges ( municipal , industrial and residential ) on field germination , growth and nodulation of l . leucocephala seedlings in the nursery


8.Field germination , nodulation status and physical growth parameters of seedlings ( shoot and root length , vigor index , collar diameter , leaf number , fresh and dry weight of shoot and root and total dry biomass increment ) were recorded after three and six months of seed sowing


9.In addition , it was also found that this protein shares limited but significant homology with the sam - dependent methyltransferase of mesorhizobium sp . bnc1 ( 32 % similarity ) , and the similarity of its 303 - 362 region to the 160 - 220 domains of l11 methyltransferases of e . coli ( prma ) is 41 % . it is suggested that methylation of l11 resulted in effects of noea on nodulation of 042bm

发现noea与中慢生根瘤菌( mesorhizobiumsp . ) bnc1可能的sam -依赖性的甲基转移酶相似性为32 ,而其303 - 362区域与大肠杆菌( escherichiacoli )的核糖体50s亚基的l11蛋白甲基转移酶( prma )的160 - 220结构域的相似性达到41 。

10.Compared to 042bm , the noea deletion mutant 042bma - km showed different degree of increase in nodule number , weight of nodule nodule and plant top dry weight on cultivars of putong zihua , baoding , ningxia , baifa and aohan , but decrease on milu . however , this mutant has no significant change in ability to nodulate cultivars of huanghou and zahua . hence , noea is involved in cultivar - specific nodulation

与苜蓿中华根瘤菌042bm相比,敲除noea的突变株042bma - km在普通紫花、保定、宁夏、百发和傲汉苜蓿品种上的结瘤数、根瘤鲜重和植株地上部分的干重都有不同程度的增加,而在秘鲁苜蓿品种上的结瘤数和植株地上部分的干重明显下降,在皇后和美国杂花苜蓿品种上则没有明显的变化。


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