这里为大家介绍下heterodox 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
同义词:dissident, heretical,
1.The neopolitical economy : the paradigm revolution and the synthesis of heterodox economics
2.I declined answering mrs dean s question , which struck me as something heterodox
3.Sentiments in favour of nonviolence ( ahimsa ) and vegetarianism , much encouraged by the heterodox sects , spread during the mauryan period and were greatly encouraged by asoka
4.Both indurated by early domestic training and an inherited tenacity of heterodox resistance professed their disbelief in many orthodox religious , national , social and ethical doctrines
5.Amin and thrift : 2000 developing a deeper engagement with various forms of heterodox economic thought , such as evolutionary political economy , organizational theory , feminist economics , and economic sociology
6.E are born from god , and we are one with god . no matter how long we have run around in the cycle of transmigration , thinking we are heterodox or orthodox , we have never left the tao the truth
7.Then clare , thrown by sheer misery into one of the demoniacal moods in which a man does despite to his true principles , called her close to him , and fiendishly whispered in her ear the most heterodox ideas he could think of
8.Economic geography today is more heterodox and pluralist than ever before , its practices and positions encompassing spatial science and nonrepresentational theory , neomarxism and new geographical economics , modeling and ethnography , feminism and poststructuralism , and just about everything in between
9.In the dissertation , the author firstly gave a systematical retrospect on two heterodox paradigms which are very promising to challenge the mainstream neo - classical paradigm , namely , darwin - veblen paradigm describing cumulative and massive evolutions of society , and information paradigm describing the nuances amongst microstructures . secondly , the author went on from the start - point where information space theory ( boisot , 1995 ) stopped , explored the possibility of the establishment of a brand - new framework embracing the two paradigms , which could give a solid foundation to models of institution expansion and institution evolution , and the author did build two such models , not through constructive methods , but through simulative methods , thus , the modeling crisis of institutional economics was solved , or at least released
10.Montenegrin serb by birth , he liked to follow events in the land of his birth , and one of the serbo - croat newspapers to which he subscribed reflected the heterodox communism of yugoslavia , the southern slav union into which serbia and montenegro had been swept up