old gold
这里为大家介绍下old gold 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
old:adj. (-er; -est; 表示兄弟姊妹关系时用 ...gold:n. 1.金,黄金;金币。 2.财富;财宝;黄金一样贵重 ...a dark yellow
1.Seven new and three old gold pieces
“七块新币,三块旧币。 ”
2.Dunne knew this because as a jeweller he often bought old gold and melted it down
3." decision " emeritus staff has left before carrying out , still set hair provisions old gold so by the country , at the same time executive annuities adjusts method
4.Greek hiker found a 6 , 500 - year - old gold pendant in a field and handed it over to authorities , an archaeologist said thursday
5.It was in the way the red light , breaking at the close from under a low somber sky , reached out in a long shaft and played over old wainscots , old tapestry , old gold , old color
6.2003 we invest 3000 the thousand yuan to enlarge the old gold and silver product lines , disigned and production capacity silver 360 ton annual , gold 1000 kg annual , become the biggest gold and silver product lines inland
7.A greek hiker found a 6 , 500 - year - old gold pendant in a field and handed it over to authorities , an archaeologist said thursday . the flat , roughly ring - shaped prehistoric pendant probably had religious significance and would have been worn on a necklace by a prominent member of society