这里为大家介绍下perspicuous 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。
音标:[ pə(:)"spikjuəs ]中英文翻译
-ly ,-ness n.
(of language) transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a luculent oration"- Robert Burton; "pellucid prose"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument"
同义词:limpid, lucid, luculent, pellucid, crystal clear,
1.The most perspicuous physical characteristic of the porosity of a soil or rock matrix is its continuity .
2.The analysis of concepts is a matter of finding more perspicuous and complexity-revealing words .
3.Those who practice well are the most powerful . those who are intelligent are the most perspicuous
4.In the algorithm , the concept is more clearly and more perspicuous . simulation results show the algorithm has more rapid convergent speed and high fitting precision
5.Therefore , we should work out perspicuous strategy and policies to gain competitive advantage and boost the development of economy . so the study on the policies of hi - tech industry has great theoretical and practical significance
6.Connie realized that his so - called genius was just this : a perspicuous talent for personal gossip , clever and apparently detached . mrs bolton , of course , was very warm when she talked tevershall . carried away , in fact
克利福听着,是为找“材料” ,他觉得其中的材料有的是,康妮明白了他的所谓天才就是:知道利用闲话的一种伶俐的能干,聪明,而外表则装作满不在乎。
7.The controversy about the right of children on recognizance to receive schooling is growing more and more heated with an outstanding columnist of a chinese paper also entering the arena . unfortunately , the truth is not made more perspicuous because of that
8.The controversy about the right of children on recognizance to receive schooling is growing more and more heated with an outstanding columnist of a chinese paper also entering the arena . unfortunately , the truth is not made more perspicuous because of that
9.( 2 ) why rural enterprises without a perspicuous relation between ownership and management expanded fast and private enterprises with an advantageous mechanism developed slowly in the non - state - owned industries during the rapid economic growth in 1980s
( 2 )在20世纪80年代的经济快速增长中,在非国有部门中,为什么是产权不甚明晰的乡镇企业增长较快,而机制上更有优越的私营部门的增长却非常缓慢
10.3 . finally , according to the demand of the research project , the steganography programs downloaded from internet are integrated to be a practical system . it has simple and perspicuous interface , easy to operate